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Our interns are a diverse and valued part of 金沙娱乐 谁会投入到有意义的项目中,并在他们感兴趣的领域接受专业人士的指导. 作为一名带薪实习生,你也会从现实世界的经验中受益. 在下面了解我们的全部内容,并务必注册其中一个 three online info sessions.

你也可以在当地的招聘会上亲自拜访我们. View calendar

Here's 金沙娱乐 breakdown...

As an intern at 金沙娱乐, here's what you can expect:

  • Paid internships with competitive salaries
  • Housing and mileage allowances, if you qualify
  • An inside track to full-time career openings
  • Leadership training and professional development
  • Volunteer events and networking opportunities 

Let's tell you about 金沙娱乐...

We're focused on moving energy forward—offering innovative solutions清洁、可靠、安全的能源服务于千百万人.

实习生和员工的安全和健康是第一位的. We're adapting in new ways to keep connecting, 在这段时间里一起学习和成长.

"I'm really excited to be a part of a team... Personally, I feel really self-fulfilled."

Meet Jada

Meet Roy Meet Minav Meet Jackson Meet Shannon




D'Shawn Jordan, Energy Efficiency Analyst
"My internship experience was phenomenal at 金沙娱乐. 实习的每个星期都安排了有趣的活动, 我们被邀请到特里·巴萨姆(CEO)的办公室与他会面, 我们要在服务区域做志愿者. During 金沙娱乐 course of my internship, 我不禁想到每个人都是多么乐于助人,多么和蔼可亲. It was a breath of fresh air, 我知道我想成为这个在任何场合都以人为本的组织的一员."

Natalie Gray, Senior Product Manager
“当我回想起2000年夏天的实习经历时,我的第一反应是‘哇, 那时的我太年轻了,根本无法理解接受实习的决定最终会如何定义我的职业生涯.' When reflecting on my intern stint, 金沙娱乐re are a few valuable life/work skills that rise to 金沙娱乐 top; primarily work ethic and allowing internalized passion to drive success. 在我20年的职业生涯中,我走过了许多不同的道路, 在公司里四处走动和探索不同的领域是可以的(也是有价值的), 这可能超出了我认为我想要做的事情或者我认为最好的道路. Ultimately, 我曲折的工作经历帮助我更好地了解了整个公司,并意识到我的激情最适合和最一致的地方. 并不是所有的职业实现之路都是垂直的, 金沙娱乐 movement around is what makes 金沙娱乐 journey great."

Jake HumphreyJake Humphrey, Environmental Consultant
The most important aspect of my internship that, ultimately, 影响我职业生涯的是我在实习期间承担的责任. 在加入公司后,我几乎立即被赋予了在各种不同环境中管理和执行项目的责任. Naturally, 它们开始时很小,随着时间的推移规模逐渐扩大, 但它让我以一种有意义的方式做出了贡献,这是你在大多数实习中得不到的. 通常只在工作环境中学习的技能以更快的速度出现:与不同的工作小组协调, accurately timelining project completion dates, identifying appropriate project deliverables, etc. 这不仅让我了解了计划和执行项目的组成部分, 同时也让我审视了自己作为项目领导者和贡献者的优缺点.

Emilie Thomas

Emilie Thomas, TD Designer
I spent a year and a half as an intern with 金沙娱乐, 然后在堪萨斯州立大学大四的最后一个学期开始全职学习. 在我的经历中,我能够利用社交活动认识其他实习生, 去参观,让我看看其他工作地点, 工作见习,这样我就可以了解其他感兴趣的领域, work through 金沙娱乐 school year, and gain valuable experience for my current role. The experience made that transition from intern to full-time seamless; everything I did as an intern was exactly what was expected of me as a full-time employee (though 金沙娱乐 deadlines aren’t as flexible anymore). After going full-time, 我已经能够加入像WE网络这样的组织,这些组织在工作场所赋予女性权力, 大学团队帮助认识和招募未来的金沙娱乐实习生, 今年,我被邀请共同指导我们实习班的一群了不起的学生.

See what kind of internships fit your interests... 

  • Accounting and finance
  • Corporate communications
  • IT
  • Human resources
  • Business marketing
  • Engineering
  • Supply chain
  • Environmental
  • Power delivery
  • Substation
  • Generation
  • Transmission
Craft and technical
  • Journeyman lineman
  • Power plant
  • Substation
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Register 以下三个在线无义务信息会议之一:

  • Wednesday, September 4th 4-5pm CDT
  • Thursday, September 19th 4-5pm CDT
  • Wednesday, October 2nd 4-5pm CDT
  • RSVP for an info session

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